Humanscale就与Element Plus的战略合作发布公告
Humanscale Strategic Alliance with Element Plus
Humanscale与Element Plus共建战略联盟
To Our Dearest Shanghai and Eastern China Customers,
Today it’s my pleasure to announce to all of you our first step within our Shanghai transformation process.
A relationship which started from 2020 in ShenZhen, Humanscale looks toward expanding our relationship with Element Plus into the Shanghai Market with immediate effect. With a relationship based on shared values of respect and integrity, Humanscale believes this strategic alliance will allow both brands to reach further successes in the future. To Humanscale clients much higher quality services and a more full-scale solution can be provided at proposal.
Humanscale与Element Plus的合作始于2020年的深圳,现在,我们希望即刻将合作关系扩展至上海市场。基于尊重和信任的共同价值观,Humanscale相信与Element Plus共组的战略联盟,将让两个品牌在未来赢得更卓越的成功,同时也通过此次携手,为Humanscale的客户提供更优质的服务、落地更完善的解决方案。
Element Plus, a brand specializes in supplying global premium furniture and interior decorations, understand the value of Humanscale and how our expertise in providing ergonomic solutions can further enhance their message of “providing a one-stop-value added service platform for enterprises”. With their showrooms and servicing points established in major cities in China, Humanscale clients will also further benefit by their seamless services.
Element Plus是一家专注于代理全球高端家具及室内装饰材料的渠道品牌,他们不仅深谙Humanscale的价值,也通过Humanscale在人体工程学领域的技术积累与解决方案,不断深化其 “为企业打造办公空间提供一站式高质量服务”的发展理念。通过Element Plus在中国主要城市布局的展厅与服务网点,Humanscale的用户也将进一步从双方无缝对接的流畅服务体系中受益。
Representatives from Humanscale and Element Plus will be looking forward to schedule meetings with you in coming months to further explain how this strategic alliance may benefit your organization.
Humanscale与Element Plus的企业代表期待着在未来的几个月内与您接洽,并通过会议深入解释这一战略联盟将如何使您的企业受益。


作为在过去三年内持续进行紧密合作的联盟伙伴,Element Plus有幸能与Humanscale一同,为中国用户提供更卓越的服务,在中国市场推动办公升级与体验变革。我们期待在与Humanscale的并肩同行中,用人体工程学的潜能,持续拓展办公解决方案的边界,不仅守护身心健康,也创造全新奇迹。